5 Things I’m Loving Right Now
| London Ontario Wedding Photographer |

Tuesday Takeaways

Tuesday Takeaways

Switching things up a bit on today’s Tuesday Takeaways! Here are 5 things I’m absolutely LOVING right now:


Ever go through a “phase” where you can’t get enough of something? That’s how I’m feeling about Skittles right now. There’s a Costco-sized bag on my coffee table as I write this.

Free to Focus

This book was recommended to me by my business coach and I’m loving it! It’s got some really amazing perspective on how to free yourself from the pressure of doing all-the-things and talks about creating space to be focused and productive without burning yourself out.  Perfect reading before things pick up for ‘busy season’ soon!


Ok – I know, I’m more than a little late to the game with this one. But I just started watching Empire and it’s just as good as everyone said. I might have the soundtrack on repeat, too


Now that spring is here, I’ve been giving my plants aaalll kinds of TLC so they’ll be ready to start growing again! I could wander the aisles of Heeman’s for hours and always leave with more than I went in for. The newest plant in my collection is a Philodendron Hope Selloum!

LIBP Education

At the end of January, I launched the newest part of LIBP – a free photography business education group on Facebook! Over the last two months, it’s been so incredible getting to connect with photographers who are growing their dream businesses and are inspired to do it all in a way that fulfills them. There’s so much more to come that I can’t wait to share!


What are you loving this month?! Let me know in the comments!


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(Top Photo – Matt and I in Kelowna, BC! Credit: Danae Marie Photography)

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