3 Reasons I Love
Email Auto-Responders


Tuesday Takeaways

Using auto-responders as a regular part of my workflow in my photography business was a game-changer.

Ok – now hear me out. I know what you’re thinking. Auto-responders can be SO impersonal, right?! At least, that’s how they used to be. But when you’re building a personal brand, it gets easier and comes naturally to incorporate that into every aspect – even your auto-responder.

Here are three reasons why I love using email auto-responders in my business, and why they work:


1) It takes the pressure off of me to physically be in my inbox at all times, replying to every email right away.

2) Communication is everything. Especially during wedding season, it can sometimes be a few days over a weekend where I’m unable to respond. My auto-responder gives everyone a heads up that I’m away, and lets them know when they can expect to hear back.

3) Speaking of… That last part in #2? It’s setting expectations and creating a thorough and professional client experience right from the start!

Small changes like this to your systems and workflows are easy tweaks you can make to get a little more peace of mind in your life, AND serve your clients in the best way possible.


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