| Toronto Wedding Photographer |
Create Instagram Content With Ease


| Tuesday Takeaways |

If I’m being totally honest, before I had any sort of system for content creation (specifically on Instagram) as a Toronto wedding photographer, it was actually easier for me to stay consistent and come up with ideas to post when I wasn’t shooting. I felt on my game during off-season, but during busy season it felt impossible. Since I was just posting whatever I could think of every day, it would take me so long and needed so much brainpower. I just didn’t have the capacity to do it when I was busy. Sometimes I would go a month or more without posting a single thing. Can you relate?!

I felt like it was such a missed opportunity though, and I hated having to come up with new ideas daily. So I added a few steps into my system to help, and I’m sharing some of my favourites with you below!
a couple kisses by the river during their engagement session with toronto wedding photographer life is beautiful photography
Before I dive in, I want to tackle a huge social media myth that is important to get out of the way.
While I’m on the topic of not posting consistently – it’s so important to remember that you don’t have to post every day. You don’t have to create posts and stories and reels. You don’t have to have thousands of followers to be successful. 
When it comes to consistency, you need to come up with a schedule that works for you. One you can commit to, to create quality content that your people. You know, your audience and potential clients! Things they will be interested in. It could be once a week, three times a week, every day… Whatever it looks like for you is perfect. The algorithms aren’t showing us posts chronologically, anyway!
So now that you’ve taken that pressure off of yourself and aren’t forcing a schedule that doesn’t work for you, here are some tips to make the content you are creating, a little easier to tackle:

Take Notes

Take notes after a session. Jasmine Star, a social media educator, used to be a wedding photographer when I was first starting out. She used what she called the “3 and 3 Rule” that I still use to this day. It’s so simple – tell three things about the couple and three things about the session. It works for social media captions, blog posts… Any time you need to tell a story about the people in front of your camera.

Start a “Brain Dump”

Start a brain dump for content that isn’t related to your clients. It could be a note on your phone, a Google Doc, even a pen and notebook you always have with you. As long as it’s easily accessible, no matter where you are or what you’re doing, it’s perfect! Any time inspiration strikes, write it down. Before you know it, you’ll have a whole bank of ideas to refer to whenever you’re looking for something to say. Sort of like creating your own content prompts! (P.S. If you haven’t downloaded your FREE content prompts yet – grab it here!)

a groom stands behind a bride and wraps his arms around her. there is snow in the background and the sun is setting behind them. by toronto wedding photographer life is beautiful photography

Find Inspiration

I’ve said this before – but don’t feel like you always reinvent the wheel. What do I mean by that? It’s easy to get caught up thinking that you don’t have anything original to say, or that you’ve seen a million posts about every topic. But here’s the thing – when lots of people are talking about it, it’s because lots of other people want to hear about it.

So think about some of the things you’ve seen online lately. I’m not suggesting that you copy anyone. You absolutely don’t want to do that! Topics like tips on what to wear, location ideas, or how to rock your engagement session, aren’t unique to one specific photographer. Everyone has their own preferences and ways of doing things. Put your own spin on it and share it with your audience!

Dedicate The Time

Dedicate a day to creating once per week, and once per month. You could choose one or the other, but I do both! At the end of each month, sit down and piece together a “roadmap” of sorts. Point form notes for the month copied over from your new bank of content that you’ve been dumping ideas into. Then, one day a week, create the actual posts and schedule them.
You’ll find all sorts of tips from experts online about creating a whole year’s worth of content in a day. But if you ask me, that can be a really daunting task! It doesn’t leave any room for flexibility, either, to make sure your content is relevant to what’s going on in the world.
Before you know it, your social media and content creation process will start to become so much easier! I can’t wait for you to feel the weight lift off your shoulders when your ideas are flowing and you can enjoy being on Instagram again.

a groom kisses a bride on her cheek. her long black hair falls over her face while she laughs. by toronto wedding photographer life is beautiful photography

Want to up-level your social media game so you can become the consistent content creator you’ve always wanted to be?! Doing it all while spending less time on your phone (i.e. more time behind your camera)?! You need to check out my Simplify Your Content bundle!

If you…

* Are tired of feeling like managing your social media is a second full-time job

* Feel like you’re sliding backwards when you’re not creating content

* Get overwhelmed thinking about planning out your content so you only post when you can think of something to say

…“Simplify Your Content” is for you!

From planning, to caption writing, and streamlining the process, this is the exact system I use in my own business.

CLICK HERE to learn more!

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