5 Reasons You NEED A CRM System ASAP
| Kitchener Wedding Photographer |


CRM Systems are Client Relationship Management Systems – and friend, let me tell you. If I could go back and change one thing starting out as a Kitchener Wedding Photographer – it would be to start using a CRM System on DAY ONE!

There are so many options out there, and I’ve tried a lot of them. Then I discovered Honeybook and haven’t looked elsewhere since! I’m not exaggerating when I say my Honeybook account is open on my computer 6 days a week.

No matter what you choose to go with, here are five reasons you need a CRM System ASAP:

Keep Your Shit Organized

Never lose another phone number, misplace an email, or forget the details of a contract again. Everything you could possibly need, from contracts to invoices to client data and so much more, will be held within your CRM System!


Having a solid, consistent brand is so important! A CRM system will help you keep everything on-brand to match your website, logo, and more.

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It’s Eco-Friendly

No more wasting paper printing out every document relating to your clients! Everything is accessible online, and for most CRM systems, from an app as well.

Payment Flexibility

Using a CRM system will allow you to add credit cards to your list of accepted payment methods. I know a lot of people shy away from accepting credit cards because the processing fees do add up – but trust me! Research shows that more than 80% of companies who accept credit card as a method of payment will see an increase in sales revenue upwards of 12%, even after accounting for processing fees!

Automation + Workflows

I had to save the best for last! It’s no secret that I’m a little obsessed with systems – and workflow capabilities within a CRM system are truly the key to starting. Workflows are like an automated, or semi-automated, to-do list, where your CRM will generate important documents for you. Fully automated systems will send an email without you even being at your computer! Semi-automated systems (my preference!) will prepare everything for you and notify you when it’s time to send.


No matter what system you decide to go with, I hope you’ll make this the year you set yourself up with a CRM. Whether you have one client or 100 clients, it’s never a bad time! Need help getting set up? CLICK HERE to get in touch!

CLICK HERE to save 50% on your first year of Honeybook!

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a cream and pink background with the text 'why you need a crm system for your photography business' written from top to bottom

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