Take The Guesswork Out Of Not Booking Clients
| Business Tips |


Back with some more business tips, friends!

So we’ve gone through the majority of the inquiry process at this point – you’ve responded to the initial email, followed up (a few times!), and hopefully, the client is ready to book! But what about those times they email you to let you know they’ve decided to go another way?

It happens a lot as a business owner.

No matter how badly we want to book every single client, it’s just not going to happen. Every person has their own preferences, values, likes, and dislikes… So that means that not everyone is going to want to work with you. And that’s okay! It’s impossible for you to work with them all anyway (heellloooo burnout!)

Whatever their reasoning may be, they don’t often share the information upfront. More often than not, you’ll receive a polite response letting you know they’ve decided to go in another direction and they leave it at that.

This is when I like to send one last follow-up email, asking for feedback on their decision!

I used to spend so much time wondering why someone didn’t book with me – especially those DREAM clients that I reaalllyy wanted to work with. So I decided to make a quick email template that I could send out – and now you can use it, too! If you’ve ever wondered why someone didn’t book your services, or why they made the decision they did, you’re going to LOVE this email template. Get your copy here:

CLICK HERE to get your template!

Finding out why someone didn’t book will help you give future potential clients the absolute best experience you can. It will give you incredible insight from the other side of things – into your pricing, style, and sales experience, from the perspective that matters most – your potential clients.

I can’t wait to see how using this information helps you continue to grow, friend!

Get the exact email I use for FREE! Just CLICK HERE to get your template!

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