Helpful Apps to Tackle That “To Do” List


Do you ever feel like three new tasks get added to your “To Do” list every time you check one off as “done”?

You’re not alone.

Work can be hard, especially if you’re running your own business. When you have to do the jobs of so many different people all by yourself, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by your seemingly never-ending list of things that need to get done.

I spent a huge amount of time last year looking for the best ways to simplify my business, giving me more time to spend behind the camera and with the people I love instead of being stuck at my computer desk. And now I’m going to share some of the best apps and websites I’ve found so you can do the same!

(*Note: As awesome as sponsorships would be, I’m not actually affiliated with these companies in any way, nor am I being paid to advertise. These are all apps that I use regularly and I know you’ll love them, too!)

1) 17hats
I’m not exaggerating when I say I don’t know what I would do without 17hats. This website provides all-in-one client management software for small business owners. It can create contracts and invoices, keep track of your calendars and to-do lists, and even has a section to stay on top of your bookkeeping. This site is permanently open on my web-browser and on most days, is acting like my virtual office manager! (You can sign up for a free account, but if you want to upgrade use my referral link to save yourself 10%!)

2) Hootsuite
Hootsuite is a website and app that can host all of your social media accounts in one place. It’s such an amazing tool for anyone that has multiple pages to keep track of! You can pre-write and schedule your posts across your favourite social media platforms, but my favourite feature has to be the ability to post from a desktop computer – even for Instagram! (Free and Premium Accounts)

3) Planoly
The perfect app for anyone running an Instagram account for their business! Planoly let’s you upload your photos and then drag and drop them in any order that you want, giving you the perfect tool to curate your Instagram feed. Similar to Hootsuite, you can also pre-write your captions and schedule your posts ahead of time. (Free Trial Only)

4) Mailchimp
If you receive my newsletters, you’ve received an email from Mailchimp. It’s my favourite website for sending out content and important emails to groups of people! It’s simple to use and is completely customizable. If your business has a use for sign-up forms, you can even create your own and the information will automatically be compiled into a list for you! This feature was the best thing to happen to me during bridal show season! (Free and Premium Accounts)

5) Google Sheets
Google Sheets is a the Google Drive-cloud version of Microsoft Excel. I love being able to work with someone on the same document from two different computers. It saves so much time instead of having to email things back and forth! It’s also come in handy for anything that I want to be able to access anywhere – like keeping track of the inquiries that I get throughout the year. Now it doesn’t matter if I’m working from home or a coffee shop, or from my desktop computer or laptop computer. All I have to do is log into my Google account and everything I need is right there waiting for me :) (Free with Google Accounts)

And, even better, is that you can try all of these apps for free! Give them a try this week, and then grab your towel and head to the beach – it’s time to enjoy not being stuck with a never ending “To Do” list!

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