I had to take a quick break from packing my bags for today’s wedding to write this blog post. I’ve been meaning to write this all week, but sometimes life gets a little crazy, and that’s an understatement for how the last few days have been. So, here I am, bright and early on this Saturday morning!
One year ago today, I woke up just as early. The difference, was that my two best friends were snuggled up in bed beside me, and we were waking up to head to Fernwood Hills for my very own wedding day! I can hardly believe that our first year of marriage has gone by already. It’s had so many ‘ups’ and only a few ‘downs,’ but I couldn’t ask for a better person to stand beside me through it all. So, before I have to head out for the day, I wanted to write a little letter to my partner in crime :)
Can you believe it? A year already?!
I don’t know if I can appropriately describe what the last year has been like, for two reasons. 1) I’m not ‘appropriate’ about many things, and 2) there’s just too much to fit it all into one little letter. Life is always a whirlwind. We’ve heard those roller coaster analogies hundreds of times, but never have they rung more true. But, through every hill and twist and turn – there you are. My rock. There is no one else I want to share my excitement and successes with, no one else I want to catch me when I fall, and no one else who can calm me down and lift me back up again when I need it.
It was just over ten years ago when we first met. I knew right away that you were someone I wanted to have in my life. You were funny, you had the best laugh, the cutest smile, and treated my friends and I like you had known us forever. I didn’t see you again for another three or four months, but when I did, you showed just how genuine of a person you really were, again talking to us like no time had passed, eager to know how life had been treating us and genuinely interested in what we had to say. Fast forward a few months after that, and all of a sudden I couldn’t imagine my day without you in it.
Now, here we are, one year into our marriage. The last month has really tested us on so many different levels, but through it all, we were by each other’s sides. I couldn’t ask for a better man to call my husband, or a better human to spend the rest of my life with. I know I’m busy with two weddings this weekend, but know that I’ll be thinking of you every second! If it wasn’t for you supporting me, I wouldn’t have the chance to be living my dream behind my camera. I’m counting down the days until our “One year and one month-iversary” when we’ll actually have a chance to celebrate :)
I love you so much, husband of mine. I wouldn’t want anyone else along with me on this adventure! <3
xo Sandra

Photo by the amazing One-12 Photography!
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