I first met Lauren and Ken at a family session with Lauren’s family a few years ago. Since then, they’ve added a new addition, and we met up at one of my favourite venues – Elsie Perrin Williams Estate – last year to update their family photos!

What is your favourite thing about your son at his current age?
I just love seeing Zach learn new things and seeing how his mind processes the world!

What is your son’s favourite activity?
Eating haha! Otherwise, we love to play with our car toys right now.

What do you love to do together as a family?
Family walks or playing outside! There is always an adventure outside.

How do you prioritize family time in a busy world?
You just have to understand everything might not get done, but having a bit of a mess is worth the memories being made!

With an unlimited budget, where would your dream family vacation be?
I would love to go to Disney! I know so cliche, but I never got the chance to go as a child, and I want to create that special memory for Mr. Zach!

What’s the funniest or most amazing thing your children have done recently?
Just yesterday we went for a walk, and he decided he was going to walk the entire block on his own!

What TV show/movie can your son just not get enough of right now?
Blues Clues!

What has being a parent taught you about life?
Always take time for the little things

What advice would you give to your past selves when you were brand new parents?
Children are more versatile than we give them credit for!

What do you love about being a parent?
I just love to watch Zach and see how happy he is!
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